Thursday, February 9, 2012

one of my favorites: Jane Eyre, as now being read in my Gothic Literature class

really was pleased to be reading this after Frankenstein. 160 pages per class due, no problem! especially since i've read this beauty quite a few times for my own pleasure.

it's a perfect choice for 19th century Gothic Literature and the Law, as it really covers a vast amount of material concerning both women and societal roles in Victorian England. that's why i'm so drawn to Jane; her supposed lack of looks is what her assertive spirit and resilience make up for. i think for those in class who haven't read the book will surely find Jane a piece of work, marvelous modern work for women!

above is the poster for the 2011 adaptation of the novel. i've seen the other two successful earlier works of film for the story, the 1990's one with Charlotte Gainsbourg and the 2006 Masterpiece Theatre television miniseries. has anyone seen this new version? it really looks good, although the trailer took a turn for the overly-dramatic dark Gothic (i think just to get the crowds in).

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