Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Big Hump Day.

it's windy and i get to wear a scarf with an outfit that's aesthetically correct.

I sold my wake board to be here, and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! YEAH!!!
-- said a decked-out-painted on Giants fan interviewed on local news station after Giants beat Rangers 2nd game in the World Series. go Giants!!!!

i do love the Giants, really. i've played baseball (waaaay back in the day though when it shouldn’t really count for anything at such a young age) and it's a sport easy to follow for me and with an incredible atmosphere. plus, my fandom is uniquely based out of my passion for the City, and how the Giants embody the quirk and heart of San Francisco.

(via Paris Kim on Tumblr )

i might strike people who know me as a band wagoner, but there are reasons why i've failed at being
the hard-core fan i ought to be:

-- i'm not usually into sports
-- throughout this past season i've not had cable to watch every game
-- i get to watch with my dad who's a big sports guy and though he's an Oakland A's fan he can finally talk sports with someone in his family
-- my boyfriend is a foreigner who is opening up to American sports and is really falling in love with America's pastime. i want to be part of that experience with him

and in doing so i am reevaluating my own self and how i need to be more active, and aggressive, in my passions and pursuits of things that really will hit to the heart. starting with my support to the team of an exceptional city, this is the marking of getting to where i want to go sooner, faster.

almost gone to see Nick Hornby today in San Francisco. Nick fucking Hornby! just can't find anyone to go with tonight.

i just need San Francisco. it’s my true campus. you just feel so happy here in the City.

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